This page gives useful information for your custom creation so that it can be cut, cared for and stored properly. Each of the links gives important detailed information on each of the topics.
Please refer to the links and information below for more details.
✦ Use a sharp knife with a thin blade for a clean cut and ease of serving (even a steak knife will work)
Just sharing some reference videos below for a cutting guide (not my videos) but a great reference.
Easy way to cut cake slices
(Triangles, Small Squares, Inner and Outer Sections)
Video reference for cutting tiered cakes. Read information below for supports for tiered cakes.
Video reference for cutting sheet cakes. You can also use a knife.
CAKE SUPPORTS (for tiered cakes)
Refer to the Cake Diagram or click the link Cake Diagram for reference explaining the supports
Please refer to the Cake Care Instructions guide for more information.
If you plan to keep leftover cake in the cake box that was used for delivery, place a sheet of plastic wrap against the cut portion of the cake before refrigerating to prevent it from drying out.
Wedding cakes with the top tier being used for the 1st Year Anniversary tradition will receive special instructions and a complimentary container for preserving the cake properly. Remove all non-edible decorations prior to preparing the cake for storage. To preserve freshness, it is advised to prepare the cake for storage for the anniversary on the day of the wedding and no later than the day after. Refer to WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TIER STORAGE GUIDE for more information.
Best stored at room temperature and eaten within 2 days of purchase.
However, they can also be refrigerated for up to 7 days.
Reheating from the fridge or from room temperature
Reheating Fully Frozen Pies
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